Package-level declarations


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interface AlignmentLookup

Allows DpadRecyclerView to align differently for each ViewHolder. When this is used, the ParentAlignment.Edge preference has no effect and you're fully responsible to pick an anchor for all ViewHolders

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data class ChildAlignment(val offset: Int = ViewAlignment.DEFAULT_OFFSET, val fraction: Float = ViewAlignment.DEFAULT_FRACTION, val isFractionEnabled: Boolean = true, val includePadding: Boolean = false, val alignToBaseline: Boolean = false) : ViewAlignment, Parcelable

Alignment configuration for aligning views in relation to its dimensions

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class DpadDragHelper<T>(adapter: DpadDragHelper.DragAdapter<T>, callback: DpadDragHelper.DragCallback, stopKeyCodes: Set<Int> = setOf( KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER, ))

A helper class for re-ordering the contents of a DpadRecyclerView.

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Defines how items are looped around in DpadRecyclerView.

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open class DpadRecyclerView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = R.attr.dpadRecyclerViewStyle) : RecyclerView

A RecyclerView that scrolls to items on DPAD key events.

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class DpadScrollableLayout @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null) : LinearLayout

A layout that behaves similarly to AppBarLayout inside a CoordinatorLayout but with the caveat that nested scrolling is simulated and not actually real.

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class DpadScroller(calculator: DpadScroller.ScrollDistanceCalculator = DefaultScrollDistanceCalculator())

A helper class that allows scrolling a DpadRecyclerView based on specific scroll distances, ignoring the default alignment behavior.

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A SnapHelper that scrolls Views to their alignment configuration and performs selections automatically. Use this only if you need to support touch event handling, as DpadRecyclerView by default does not handle selection on touch events.

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abstract class DpadSpanSizeLookup

A helper class to provide the number of spans each item occupies.

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interface DpadViewHolder

A ViewHolder managed by DpadRecyclerView.

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Overrides the default mechanism for laying out extra views at the borders of the RecyclerView. Check LinearLayoutManager.calculateExtraLayoutSpace for more details.

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Listener for receiving layout events of children of this RecyclerView

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Callback for receiving a notification when a DpadRecyclerView loses focus.

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Callback for receiving a notification when a View of a RecyclerView.ViewHolder has been focused.

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Callback for receiving a notification when a ViewHolder has been selected. There are two methods:

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data class ParentAlignment(val edge: ParentAlignment.Edge = Edge.MIN_MAX, val offset: Int = ViewAlignment.DEFAULT_OFFSET, val fraction: Float = ViewAlignment.DEFAULT_FRACTION, val isFractionEnabled: Boolean = true, val preferKeylineOverEdge: Boolean = edge == MAX) : Parcelable

Alignment configuration for aligning views in relation to the RecyclerView bounds

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data class SubPositionAlignment(val offset: Int = ViewAlignment.DEFAULT_OFFSET, val fraction: Float = ViewAlignment.DEFAULT_FRACTION, val isFractionEnabled: Boolean = true, val includePadding: Boolean = false, val alignToBaseline: Boolean = false, val alignmentViewId: Int = View.NO_ID, focusViewId: Int = View.NO_ID) : ViewAlignment, Parcelable

Alignment configuration specific to a certain sub position.

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A RecyclerView.RecycledViewPool that does not limit the number of ViewHolders recycled.

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interface ViewAlignment
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abstract class ViewHolderTask(val executeWhenAligned: Boolean = false)

Task that's scheduled and executed when a ViewHolder is selected