
data class ParentAlignment(val edge: ParentAlignment.Edge = Edge.MIN_MAX, val offset: Int = ViewAlignment.DEFAULT_OFFSET, val fraction: Float = ViewAlignment.DEFAULT_FRACTION, val isFractionEnabled: Boolean = true, val preferKeylineOverEdge: Boolean = edge == MAX) : Parcelable

Alignment configuration for aligning views in relation to the RecyclerView bounds


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constructor(parcel: Parcel)
constructor(edge: ParentAlignment.Edge = Edge.MIN_MAX, offset: Int = ViewAlignment.DEFAULT_OFFSET, fraction: Float = ViewAlignment.DEFAULT_FRACTION, isFractionEnabled: Boolean = true, preferKeylineOverEdge: Boolean = edge == MAX)


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Overrides the keyline alignment and instead aligns to a certain edge.


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The specific alignment to a given edge that overrides the keyline alignment. See Edge Default: Edge.MIN_MAX

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The keyline position for the alignment. Default: 0.5f (center)

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true if fraction should be used to position the item.

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val offset: Int

The distance added to the fraction of the RecyclerView in pixels.

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When Edge.MAX or Edge.MIN are used, this flag decides if the Views should be aligned to the keyline when there are few items, overriding the edge preference.


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open override fun describeContents(): Int
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open override fun writeToParcel(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int)