
class DpadComposeViewHolder<T>(parent: ViewGroup, onClick: (item: T) -> Unit? = null, onLongClick: (item: T) -> Boolean? = null, isFocusable: Boolean = true, compositionStrategy: ViewCompositionStrategy = RecyclerViewCompositionStrategy.DisposeOnRecycled, content: @Composable (item: T, isFocused: Boolean) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder

A basic ViewHolder that forwards content to a ComposeView and handles focus and clicks inside the View system.

Focus is kept inside the internal ComposeView to ensure that it behaves correctly and to workaround the following issues:

  1. Focus is not sent correctly from Views to Composables: b/268248352 This is solved by just holding the focus in ComposeView

  2. Clicking on a focused Composable does not trigger the standard audio feedback: b/268268856 This is solved by just handling the click on ComposeView directly

This allows inline definition of ViewHolders in onCreateViewHolder:

override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): DpadComposeViewHolder<Int> {
return DpadComposeViewHolder(parent) { item, isFocused ->
ItemComposable(item, isFocused)

To update the current item, override onBindViewHolder and call setItemState:

override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: DpadComposeViewHolder<Int>, position: Int) {


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constructor(parent: ViewGroup, onClick: (item: T) -> Unit? = null, onLongClick: (item: T) -> Boolean? = null, isFocusable: Boolean = true, compositionStrategy: ViewCompositionStrategy = RecyclerViewCompositionStrategy.DisposeOnRecycled, content: @Composable (item: T, isFocused: Boolean) -> Unit = { _, _ -> })


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fun getItem(): T?
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fun setContent(content: @Composable (item: T) -> Unit)
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fun setItemState(item: T?)
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open override fun toString(): String